The Awesome Value Of Beautiful Mailchimp Signup Forms

The Awesome Value Of Beautiful Mailchimp Signup Forms

Branding your blog includes branding your MailChimp signup forms.

Use the colors and graphics you’ve spent some much time creating for your blog on your forms as well. Show your readers you provide the whole package.

There is great value in presenting well designed signup forms. You’ll grow your list faster and gain the trust of your audience.

How To Create An Effective Watermark For Your Blog Graphics

How To Create An Effective Watermark For Your Blog Graphics

Do you know why an effective watermark is so important for your blog graphics? It’s part branding and it’s part protection. The bottom line is, you need to be using one. It’s branding because it tells people where a graphic or picture originated from. It’s protection because it keeps others from using your creative materials…

4 Keys For Unlocking Blog Growth With Consistent Branding

4 Keys For Unlocking Blog Growth With Consistent Branding

Consistent branding can push your blog to new levels. With consistency, your readers and followers begin to identify you with your brand. Your branding method may be a logo, a hashtag, a color scheme or a picture. It may be all of the above. Whatever you decide, make it consistent so that your audience can begin…