Fantastic Free Advice About How To Blog Without A Niche
I am a strong believer in finding your blog niche.
If you have been around here for any length of time you know how much I encourage my readers, even brand new bloggers, to narrow their focus. A niche can speed up your success and save you time. Who wouldn’t want that?
I believe limiting your writing to a few specific topics does two things. First, it helps you to grow your blog faster because you quickly become known for certain subject matter. Second, it helps you to stay on track because it gives you a purpose. You don’t flit around on social media looking at this and that. You are focused on a few areas of interest and can be much more intentional about your work.
Finding your niche will always be my first piece of advice to any blogger.
However, I am also a realist. I know how hard it is to narrow your attention especially at the beginning of your blogging journey. I totally get the attraction to want to talk about anything and everything when starting a blog.
It took me over 5 years of blogging to figure out my niche. I spent years writing about everything under the sun. So, you’re talking to the choir here.
If you find yourself in this spot, not knowing what to write about, this is my second piece of advice to bloggers: Don’t let not having a niche keep you from starting your blog.
The truth is you don’t need a niche to be a blogger. One of the most important parts of becoming a successful blogger is practice. If you never start because you don’t have a niche you will never achieve your goals. You are finished before you’ve even begun.
That’s lame.
If you have a desire to start a blog or get serious about a blog you already have but you can’t decide on what to write about, just start writing. I’m sure you have a virtual cornucopia of ideas up in your brain of things you want to say to the world.
Well, get on it!
Listen, not everyone can open a tidy little niche blog from day one and make it a huge success overnight. You and I both know not many people have ever done it like that. Sure, there are a few people out there who seem to burst on the scene and do well from the beginning. But the number is very small.
In reality, blogging takes lots of hard work. It requires constant attention and the stamina to keep going even when no one is reading your content, commenting, or signing up for your email list.
At the same time, it’s also an amazing conduit for sharing ideas, knowledge, questions, and life with other people around the globe. There is nothing like it.
That’s why I would never encourage anyone not to start a blog. Especially because you don’t have your niche all worked out. Don’t overthink it. Just jump in and do it.
If you are hesitant because you’ve read what all the “experts” say and they say figure out your niche, but you still don’t know what you should write about, I say, “Bah! Just do it.” Your voice matters and there are people out there who need to hear what you have to say, about a lot of things.
The more you write the more certain subjects will come to the forefront as reader favorites and personal passions. It might take a long time, as in my case, for your true niche to bubble up to the surface. Then again, it may not take long at all. You’ll never know until you start writing and sharing your posts.
If you have a slew of topics you want to cover, make a category for each one and start writing. Now, don’t go make 25 categories. Limit yourself to 5-8 and see where that takes you. Then get to writing. Finish a post or two then write some more.
You have to post a lot to figure out what your audience likes to hear from you. Never underestimate the power of multiple blog posts. They will give you great insight into what you are doing right and where you need to improve.
All you need to know right now is (this is the free advice), “You can blog without a niche.” Don’t let what you don’t know hold you back from sharing what you do know. Trust me, if you are a new blogger there is so much you don’t know right now, if I told you it would make your head explode. Nobody wants to see that.
If you don’t want your head to explode, you can learn HOW to blog by starting here. Jump in. The water is fine. Begin writing and see what happens. You might be wonderfully surprised.
Now, it’s your turn. Start your blog, write a bunch of posts, share them around on social media, and voila! You are a blogger.
What are you waiting for?
Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash
Photo by Héctor J. Rivas on Unsplash
Loved this! I’m still trying to figure out if lifestyle blog is really a niche in and of itself or if it’s just an excuse for the people (like me) who want to be able to write about a lot of different topics). Also, what if your most popular posts aren’t really what you want to focus on? There has to be an intersection somewhere with demand and passion, right?
Allyson – I totally feel ya sister. I say keep writing. Write what you want, serve the audience you have, and continue to move forward. Anyone can build a giant blog, but if you aren’t writing about you love you’ll hate your job. That doesn’t seem like a fun way to spend a life. If you keep writing eventually what you love will rise to the top and your audience will respond because you love it so much. The intersection is out there – keep moving towards it!! Thanks for stopping by. You ROCK!
Very practical advice Debi. For a completely new blogger, it is almost impossible to “pin point” their niche on the day 1. And this can lead to pushing the things back. Blogging is a massive learning curve and people’s own ideas change and their learning and knowledge horizon expands. This may lead to a changed scope at later stage.
Just make a start and learn/pave your way and niche as you go along. Couldn’t agree more with your point Debi. Well written article, I enjoyed reading it.
Thank you Ahmad. I agree it’s a learn/pave your way as you go. Thanks for your unwavering support.
Thank you for this! I do not have a niche, but I want to start my blog. I like the part about “don’t let what you don’t know hold you back from what you do know” and someone needs to hear what you have to say! I really feel like I want to use my blog to spread kindness.. (may sound wishy washy but 🤷🏻♀️). My niche is kindness….. 🙂 and humor :). Let’s see how it pans out!!!
I love your non-niche! You go girl. I’ll bet something will bubble up over time, but for now, just go for it!
Thanks for stopping by. Happy Blogging!