3 Innovative Ways To Gain The Edge With Graphics

In a big noisy blogging world, visual graphics speak loudly.

The blogosphere is a busy place. Those whose voices are being heard know something you need to know: graphics matter.

Stunning images abound on the web. With all the free access bloggers have to sites catering to them, it is unforgivable not to use quality graphics and learn basic design principles.

It’s time to learn some new tricks. C’mon! It’ll be fun.

Blog graphics can no longer be pictures slapped up on a screen with a description underneath. Today, graphics that get noticed are visually appealing and follow the rules of balance, alignment, and contrast. Superb graphics give bloggers an edge in a clamorous online world.

Most bloggers do not have the resources to hire a team of designers for post graphics. But they do have access to some amazing tools that can make them look like they do.

You probably have your favorite editing tool and hopefully you have learned to use it with skill. But while knowing how to use different fonts, overlays, and colors is important, it isn’t innovative.

3 Innovative Ways To Gain The Edge With Graphics ★ The blogosphere is noisy. To gain the edge with graphics you have to be innovative. Here are 3 ways to reach more readers and grow a blog you love.

{Updated for 2020}

Graphic innovation comes when you practice design rules.

The basic elements of design are

  • line
  • shape
  • direction
  • size
  • texture
  • color

The basic principles for using these elements are

  • balance
  • proximity
  • alignment
  • repetition
  • contrast
  • space

The fine folks at j6design have published a thorough post that can walk you through the meaning of each of these elements and principles.

This video is also ideal for visual learners. (Plus it’s well done.)

The Fundamental Elements of Design from Erica Gorochow on Vimeo.

While the video above is geared toward brands, the concepts apply to bloggers. The visuals you marry to your writing becomes your brand. Readers recognize you for your consistent designs.

So, how do you gain the edge with graphics?

Use the basic elements of design to push your graphics to the forefront

Most bloggers find beautiful photos to use and then get stuck in the time-warp that is fonts. Using too many fonts in one picture can be a disaster. Using the wrong fonts together, well that’s just wrong.

Think of the shape, size, and color of your graphic. Create harmony using textures, lines, and direction. Don’t rely just on the font to make your graphic stand out. Integrate some of the basic design elements to create a complete product.

Add lines. Break up the visuals so the eye can take in the words. Tweak the color to surprise the viewer. Make the hamburger orange. Color the sky green. Be different.

Think outside the box but compliment your post by fashioning a graphic that compliments the tone of your writing.

A blog post about naps should not be accompanied by a neon graphic with block lettering. Soothing colors and a calm script-style font will encourage the reader to match what the eye sees to the mood of the post.

Incorporate the principles of design to move your post to the edge

Think of a blogger you enjoy reading. Now think of one you enjoy visiting for the visuals. Is there someone out there who offers both writing and images you like?

What is it that draws you to them?

Consistency in style?



As mentioned in the video above you don’t want to use every principle on every graphic. But as you practice creating space and alignment and balance in your pictures you will see a trend start to develop. Use this to create your signature style. You want readers to recognize you across social media. Being innovative with design will create positive recognition.

I’ve written about bloggers who do this well in a previous post about consistent branding. The rules apply to you too.

Bloggers who do this well have an edge.

Follow the rules to maximize the impact of your graphics

Great designers push the limits and color outside the lines when it comes to creating. But when it comes to presenting, they follow the rules.

The size of your graphics for your blog and the different social media platforms has little wiggle room. You might wish to make your masterpiece a certain size, but that doesn’t mean it will render properly on each platform.

This makes for extra work. However, if you create templates for yourself to pop your graphics into, you will save valuable time. See the recommended sizes for each platform here.

Save your creativity for your designs, not for your sizes. Show off the effort you have put into creating something beautiful and exciting for your post in the best possible way.

It’s a noisy blogging world. Using the elements and principles of design will help you to gain the edge with graphics. Everything you can do to push your posts to the forefront means more traffic and better reach.

Incorporate innovative design into your creations to grow a blog you and your readers will love. Gain the edge with graphics by learning new tricks and tools. You’ll be glad you did.

Finish this sentence – My favorite graphics editing tool is _____.

3 Innovative Ways To Gain The Edge With Graphics ★ The blogosphere is noisy. To gain the edge with graphics you have to be innovative. Here are 3 ways to reach more readers and grow a blog you love.





Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash
Photo by Karly Santiago on Unsplash

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  1. I don’t have a clue when it comes to pictures and graphics. I finally found Pixabay and am experiementing with adding photos to most posts. I don’t have a clue how to put words on them! So much to learn, so little time…..but I am learning a lot from your posts Debi. Thank you.

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