Learn The Secret Recipe For A Delicious Blog

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Delicious Blogging eBook - Learn How To Blog

This series on is now available as a full ebook.
“Delicious Blogging” comes complete with 31 lessons, action-steps, and a companion workbook. You will quickly and easily learn how to blog.
Get your copy today and start creating a blog readers will love. BUY NOW


When it’s done right, a well prepared blog can produce some delicious results.

In fact, thinking about blogging, the way a baker thinks about cakes, is a perfect way to create a blog that readers will eat up.

Learn to blog like a baker, not just a cook.

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Think about it, cooking is free form, you can add and take away ingredients easily, without ruining the overall essence of a dish. Baking is more scientific. It requires exact amounts to ensure proper rising, density, richness and flavor. Cooking is based on taste. Baking is based on results. As bloggers we want to become great bakers, not just good cooks.

If you look at your site like a multi-layer cake you will begin to discover that there are some key ingredients you need to create a delicious blog.

Learn to create an amazing blog that your readers want to visit over and over again. ★ Learn HOW To Blog ★

You need a good base. You need quality ingredients and you need proven methods of putting them all together to achieve a perfect result every time. That’s what your readers want, good, consistent results each time they visit your site.

Preparing this recipe takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight and you can’t expect all of your readers to show up for your first cake. When you begin producing something delicious, over and over again, people start talking and they become repeat customers.

But sometimes the job of just getting started feels overwhelming. Can you imagine walking into a giant bakery where are the tools and ingredients are available and waiting to be used, but you don’t know the recipe?

I can help.

[Tweet “Learn to blog like a baker, not just a cook to create a delicious blog you love. #BlogTips”]

In 31 lessons you are going to discover the secret recipe you need to create a delicious experience for your readers. And you’re going to begin mixing the ingredients, a little at a time, so that at the end you have a perfect product that your readers can count on and indulge in. Best of all – it’s calorie free!

So, let’s get started.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments.


photo credit: Tim Ebbs via photopin cc

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  1. This is going to be so much fun! I am using the 31 day writing challenge to really get down to business with my blogging and I am excited to come across your article! I will definitely be incorporating your steps into my blogging! <3 Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  2. Hi Debi, I love your website and really look forward to following your 31 days to Better Blogging. I have so much to learn and everything you have here is so deliciously tempting! Glad to have found you. 🙂

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