Do You Know The Truth About Your Blog Colors?
Shades and hues color your life.
From the pure blue of the sky to the rich brown coffee in your mug, you are awash in color in all you do. Colors evoke specific emotions, ranging from the joy of Christmas red to the warmth of autumn orange.
Color even plays a role in your decision making process. Cars, pasta, computers and hammers are all painstakingly researched by companies to be just the right color to lure you in.
You probably won’t be surprised then when I tell you that your blog colors convey a message too. The hues you are using to draw people in may or may not be working the way you want them to.
Do you know what your blog colors say about you?
Companies across the globe use color to draw in customers. The most successful businesses have mastered the art of using color to play to your emotions, your wants, your needs, and your desires.
Take a look at this infographic: (feel free to click for more details)
Can you find your colors in there? Is there a color that you should be using to share your message? Is there a feeling you are trying to convey with your blog, but the color is all wrong?
As you can see, color plays a very distinct role in how you view the world. Companies know this well. Your brain has been conditioned to see color in a certain way. From optimism to balance, shades and hues impact your thoughts and buying habits. Corporations spend millions to make sure you purchase their products and they use color to do it.
The same conditioning companies use to draw you in applies to your blog. Your readers are getting a subliminal message the moment they open your homepage. Is it the message you want to send?
First, let me say – you don’t need to scrap your blog and start over. What you need to do is be aware of how you use colors on your site.
One of the ways you can do this is by using color strategically. The best article I’ve found about this so far is by Derek Halpern. Check out this video he made explaining how to use passive and active colors:
Do you have a passive color?
It’s important to use color to your advantage. Let your choices make your argument to a new reader about why they should read your posts. Be sure your blog color scheme matches the mood and feel of your writing. Allow color to complement your message yet make a statement that welcomes new readers and then brings them back again.
Check out this Pinterest board devoted to color. It might spark some new creativity for you!
What do your blog colors say about you?
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash