5 Surefire Tips To Rock Your About Page
When a new reader shows up to your blog and decides to stick around, it’s usually because they’ve seen your stellar headshot but then where do they go?
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I’m so glad you asked.
Nine times out of ten they go straight to your ABOUT page. About pages are the highest visited pages on any blog. So, YES, they matter.
If you want to keep a reader on your site you must tell them why they want to be there. You don’t ask, you don’t suggest, you tell. Give them a map, so to speak, and guide them around your blog, starting with your About page.
When you are writing an About page there are lots of methods and formulas out there. Some say write a numbered list about yourself. Others say be super personal and add lots of pictures. Still others say add links around your site, to your best work.
All good tips. All can be effective. But how do you guarantee that a new reader follows the map, stays on your site?
Let’s do some role playing and discover how you can keep a reader right where you want them.
My name is Jenny Newreader. I just found your blog. I see you have a great headshot that makes me want to know more about you. Now I want to see if I can connect with you on a deeper level. Here are my questions to see if I can do just that. Think of these as the key points on the map.
Do I know your name?
- It’s not enough to have a picture of yourself on your site. You need to tell people your name. Your first name is fine. Just get it out there so an immediate connection can be made. People connect with people, not blog titles.
- I have seen a lot of bloggers worry about using their real names online. Here’s my two cents about that – 1.) If you want to be a hobby blogger and only want your in-laws and second cousins to read your blog, don’t use your real name. 2.) If you want to be a success, use your real name. Clear enough? You’re either all in or you’re not. Make your choice and don’t complain to me when you try to have it both ways.
- Exceptions: The exception to this rule is if you name your blog something “like” a name. My favorite example of this is my friend Paula who blogs at AKA Jane Random. Sometimes I forget her name isn’t Jane. I go to tag her on something and I’m like, dude, why can’t I find Jane? The other exception is if you have a legit, legal reason not to share your name. That’s a no brainer.
- The point is, hiding for the sake of not upsetting your mother-in-law is no reason not to have your name on your About page. C’mon, be bold. Put yourself out there.
Can I feel your passion?
- If you write a blog you should be passionate about your subject matter. No matter what it is, you’d better be able to convey your strong feelings about it. There is nothing worse than reading an About page where someone says. My name is Sue and I have two kids. I’m a wife and I like blogging. Whoop-de-doo.
- If I’m going to spend time reading your blog, I’d better know that you putting your heart into it.
- Use descriptive words and make me fall in love with your subject matter too.
- Basically, don’t be boring.
- Think about visiting the Louvre in Paris or the Sydney Opera House. When you visit you’ll either pick up a brochure or already have a guide book pointing out all the best aspects of the site. It doesn’t say, “Well, we have beige carpet.” No, it says, the architecture is modeled after xyz or the best place to take a photo is… Do the same thing. Put yourself on display and point out all the best parts, from your brain to your ability to roll your tongue. Sell yourself BIG!
Do you care about me?
- Remember, I’m Jenny Newreader and I’m looking for help, or a connection, or new information, or all of the above. Make me feel like I matter. Your About page should be about me, not you.
- I hear a lot of blogger say, I just write for myself. Whatever! If you were just writing for yourself you’d be scribbling on notebook paper and hiding it in your sock drawer. The first step is to admit that you write with the secret fantasy that your words will go viral and that some literary agent will call and offer you a 7 figure book deal. Admit it.
- Ok, that may be extreme, but the point of writing a blog is to share and connect with others. Use your About page to tell a new reader how you are alike, how you might be different, and how you can meet in the middle. Show them you care.
- Again, it’s not about you. It’s about your readers.
Why should I be reading your blog?
- What do you have to offer me in the way of solving a problem I have, sharing new information with me, or offering me a new perspective on something? Give me a reason to keep reading.
- The best pitches for why I should read your blog are confident, comical and compassionate. Hit hard, make me believe you are an expert. Don’t be a sissy.
- Do not use pansy language. This means, don’t ever say things like “If you are interested, you can read more here.” Lame. Or, “I hope you like my site.” If you do I’ll say “Do you like your site? Because it sounds like you’re not sure yourself.” Not good.
- Tell me why you write, what you write about and why it matters. Take a risk and be bolder than you feel.
What do you want me to do next?
- Let’s say I make it through your About page and I like it. I like you. What can I read next? How can you and I make a deeper connection? You’ve got to tell me. Remember, the map?
- There is nothing more infuriating than a blog that leaves it up to me to go find more. This is such a simple fix. Just tell me.
- Add a few hyperlinks to some of your most read articles. Create a Start-Here page for readers to get a feel for your body of work. Give me a sign-up form for your newsletter.
- Be my tour guide not just the ticket taker.
Here are my favorite sites for digging a little deeper into this topic of About pages:
Remember, About pages are meant to change and evolve, just like you. This is one page you should keep fresh and updated. Don’t try to do it all in one day, you can’t. But work on it, then re-work it and then come back to it at a later date and work on it again.
Need help with your About page? Please don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments.
Photo by chelsea ferenando on Unsplash
Photo by Alvin Balemesa on Unsplash
Great points. I feel like my About page is pretty strong for the first four points, but I need to be better at the last— directing them where they should go next. Thanks!
Excellent! It’s a great way to get more subscribers and eyes on your most popular posts. Thank you for stopping by.
I am really loving this series and YES to #3. With all the 31 day post floating around about “it doesn’t matter about numbers or comments” I agree to a point because I would have quit a long time ago if I was looking for blogging success. I do it because it’s therapeutic, BUT I have said almost those exact same words, If I were writing for me I would scribble it in a journal and hide it. Thanks for the tips.
Oh, this is great to hear. I’m so happy. Thanks for the feedback and yes, I agree with you, it’s more than just traditional success. We all define our own success. But it’s nice to know we’re getting through to others isn’t it? Keep writing – your voice matters!
I have recently completed my media kit which included biographical informatin. Should I take that out and put on an “about page?” Here is a link to my kit:
Thanks for your input.
Mary: I love your media kit, but for an about page you want something less “Here’s my accomplishments” and more “Hey, I’m Mary and I’d love to get to know you.”
You can take your kit and rework it to be more personable and warm, leave out the stats, and use a couple more pictures to draw new readers in. Then don’t forget to give them a call to action – like visit some other posts or sign up for your email list. You’re so close. Just a few tweaks and you’ll have a winner.
You go girl!
I found your blog through the 31 days challenge and as a newbie blogger (only 2 months in!) I can’t wait to read through your site. You’re clearly following your own advice! 😉
Yay Georgie! I’m so glad you are here. Please let me know if I can help you in any way. Be sure to join our Better Blogs group on Facebook too.
Hi, I put up my about page, finally. Here it is : http://mary-anderingcreatively.blogspot.com/p/about-me.html I hope this is what you meant. 🙂
Looks much better Mary. I’d say you are on your way.
I love this! Great advice and I need to take it, pronto. My About page needs some serious sprucing up…now if only 31 days would end so that I could actually have time to apply these tips!!
I hear ya Gabrielle. This kinda takes over everything. But remember – just take it one day at a time. Little by little you will come up with something you are really proud of. You go girl!!
I am new at blogging; and took the challenge when I ran across the 31 Days information to try to become better at it. I set up my blog on a whim and I know compared to many others I have seen, it is really amateurish…but I plan to go back to the very beginning of your 31 days posts and try to make mine better…loved today’s on the “About Me” page – I KNOW mine is pretty bad!! In fact, I’m not even sure I have an About Me page and I know I don’t have a Landing Page like others have described. I’m just not sure how to get there with it?! Like I said…new, amateurish, etch. In fact, I don’t think I’m ready to share my blog with you yet!!!!! It’s pretty much like the “DON’T DO’s” you may use in some of your posts!!!
Great info, even for the seasoned blogger. And I am sure I’ve referred to Paula as Jane on more than one occasion 🙂
I know right? Thanks for reading my friend. You’re the best.
Great post! New to your site and tried to sign up for your newsletter but the email never made it to my inbox (or perhaps, hasn’t yet). Might it take a while?
Thank you for joining me Kendra. I’m happy to have you here.
Wow!! A lot of great info as usual. I hate to admit how much I had no idea my about page was so important. And, I really, really hate to admit that I don’t have one and I have no idea how to create one. Thanks for getting me thinking about this!!!! Love your series!!!
You are so welcome Larissa. I’m glad you stopped by. An about page is an important blog element, so you definitely want to create one. And remember, it’s a work in progress, so get something up and then come back and tweak it as necessary. #YouCanDoThis
Lots of great info…thanks for sharing!
Thank you for reading Amanda. I’m so glad you stopped by today.
Love this! Clearly I’ve got some work to do. I especially love the notion of leading our readers to something else. Duh! And thank you!
Thank you for stopping by and reading. Sounds like you’ve got the jist of what to do. Way to go! Have fun creating your page. #YouCanDoThis
Debi, I’m really glad I found your blog and I love this series. I especially love that it is instilling a sense of discipline and purpose to my blogging that I desperately need yet completely lack when I do something at home (especially unpaid, arf).
I have one question: I have noticed that many blogs have an about page which contains contact information, and a separate contact page. Would you say that it is preferable to have both?
Hey Frog,
Glad you could make it to this series. Welcome. As to having two contact points, I think it depends on your priorities. If you really want people to be able to find you – add it in. If you are ok with a separate page, or if your blog isn’t one where people would need to contact you very often, I think one contact page is fine. I don’t know that there is an advantage to one of the other, but if I change my mind due to new info – I’ll let you know!
Happy Blogging!